Adult & Kids Clinic
We offer many types of clinics at The Legacy Golf and Tennis. Cardio, fast drills, concept of the week, high performance, junior academy, summer junior camp, pre season adult tennis, 3 and me, and team clinics are all part of the line up!
Our most popular class is the adult fast drills on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 pm.
Juniors under 10 yrs old meet Wednesdays at 5pm and kids over 10 meet Tuesday and Wednesdays at 5pm.
Cardio Tennis And High Performance & Fast Drills
Do you want to burn a ton of calories and have fun at the same time? Any of these two clinics are for you! Fast paced workouts with competitive drills. Each one of these with a different twist and 60 minutes of pure adrenaline!
Pre Season, Team, And 3 And Me Clinics
These are double strategy clinics mostly to improve your doubles game, a must if you play on a league!
Poaching, faking, pick and stick, are just but a few of the ideas you will be mastering in these type of clinics. Change and optimize your strategy for success with many of these concepts that you can master!